A.C.A.C.I.A. Ministries offers a broad range of resources, many of which are available from this web site. Plese contact us if we can be of further assistance. Please also note that these resources are not intended to replace therapy from a qualified prayer counselor or other mental health professional (see our explanation and disclaimer).

Foundational Teaching

Our foundational teaching articles provide insight into Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) from a basic understanding, to more advanced explanations. Our teaching articles are for people who wish for understanding themselves, counselors, ministers and others.

5 Posts


For the person who wants insight into Dissociative Identity Disorder, this section is for you. We provide different tools and explanations that will help you move toward healing and "wholiness."

13 Posts


These special prayers will help you as you minister or receive ministry.

4 Posts

Professional Resources

Articles here are geared toward the professional counselor or minister to assist with your interventions and treatment of DID.

10 Posts

Video Blogs by Beth

Beth encourages, blesses, teaches and blogs about topics related to healing the severely traumatized person.

3 Posts

Video Blogs by Sandra

Sandra encourages, teaches and blogs about important topics relating to healing the severely traumatized.

6 Posts

Words from Sandra

In this regularly updated section. Founder/CEO Sandra Skinner-Young will share her thoughts, answer questions, and provide detailed insights regarding varying aspects of the ministry.

11 Posts