Do you know anyone who hasn’t experienced loneliness? It’s a painful, very unnatural human state, and it haunts all human beings from time to time. Our Creator God made us for relationship, and if we’re not in relationship with other people, we can be abysmally lonely. We can even be lonely in a crowd.

Many of the people I work with just don’t trust anyone–they don’t even trust themselves. And often times they believe there’s no hope for them to have relationships because, of course, relationships are built on trust. So sometimes they even halt their healing because they don’t want to be fully integrated, they don’t want to be fully “one” because they have socialized with themselves inside to cope with the terrible emptiness and loneliness.

It is crucial for all of you to respect and be a good friend to yourself. But it’s just you. We need other people to bring the richness and diversity, and all those things we don’t have, into our lives.

The book, Success is the Quality of Your Journey by Jennifer James, PhD tells us that loneliness and solitude are both something we choose. Now when I read that, I was shocked. “I choose to be lonely?” She says yes. In this little book, I Like You Just Because Albert J. Nimeth talks about loneliness. He says we’re lonely because we fail to build bridges…

Additional Resources:
Loneliness and Vanishing Twin (Insights)
Loneliness and the Vanishing Twin Syndrome (Professional Resources)
Lonely (Wee’s World)