Tattle Tale! Tattle Tale!

Categorised in: Wee's World
How do they know that??????!!!!! Did you wonder this sometimes? You do your best to hide behind the couch or not talk or not tell or act as if nothing happened. But, they seem to know anyway and then you are in trouble. I want to tell you a secret which I hope you will tell. Sometimes you have parts inside who tattle on you. Yes, and they were actually made by you at some time.
Probably, you would not remember doing it because it was at the time of a super owie. We tend to not remember those times. The people who were hurting you knew they could get into big trouble if you ever told what they were doing to you. They were afraid of your truth! So, they made you make another you in your mind. This new you had the job to tattle to them everything you would do which could get them into trouble. I have a name for these parts: Reporters.
Reporters are really not bad. They believe they are protecting you! We need to love them as we love ourselves because they are part of us. We need to be thankful they do a good job to protect us. When you are really a little child and need the big people in your life for everything, that may be true, especially if they are the ones hurting you. Once the original you has grown up, life can be wonderfully different. Then you are more powerful and strong and know a lot more about how to get protection and stop them from hurting you.
I want to tell you about another kind of person inside. Everyone does not make these but many times they are there busily trying to make you late, forget to pick up your toys, sing out loud when you are to be quiet or break the rules. They mostly do things you really do not want to do or do not do the things you need to do. A friend in the Bible named Paul talked about this big problem and he probably did not have any Saboteurs. That is what I call them.
Saboteurs are usually suggested by the people who are hurting you. The abusers want to keep you doing only what they want and not what Jesus created you to be or do. They help to keep you behaving like a slave rather than the Princess or Prince you really are. Your saboteur parts are really not bad either. They were often told that super bad yucky things would happen to you or people you love or your pets if they did not do their job. They keep you from being and feeling a success.
The Reporters and the Saboteurs are really afraid. That is why they do their jobs even though it hurts you. They need your help now. Tell them you understand what they are doing but you a have a better plan. Tell them that you want to be their friend and to share your superhero, Creator God Jesus, with them. He is able to help all of you. Jesus will teach them how to use their skills to really protect all of you. Maybe they can become super sleuths for Jesus. He will take your slave costume and dress you in your princess and prince real clothes. WOW! You are beautiful. I am reminded of the verse, Isaiah 61:3 paraphrased: To all who have been hurt, afraid and sad, God will give beauty for ashes, joy instead of mourning and praise instead of depression, for God has planted them like strong and graceful oaks for His own glory.