Wee’s World Introduction

Categorised in: Wee's World
I love to hear the sound of children laughing! It is music to my ears.
You two year olds learn you are not really part of Mommy any more and can now be “I”. You sometimes even say “No” to ice cream in order to say that powerful word. That is funny.
Can you three year olds remember when you asked “Why?” again and a tired adult finally stopped answering?
Children are so curious and want to explore their world. I am reminded of Curious George. Many times big people do not think a tiny thing is important or do not even see it! Little people see itsy bitsy things on the floor. They can watch a balloon going up, up, up into the sky for a l-o-n-g time. Their innocent purity and wonderful instant new ideas do not always fit with the time of adults. Little people often ask “Are we there yet?”
A lot of people call children “kids”. That is O.K. and the popular thing to do. BUT, I think of little animals when I hear the word “kid”. That is why I like to say “little people” instead. When I think of children as little people it helps me realize that their thoughts, feelings, opinions, ideas, promises, needs and wants are important too.
A long time ago, one of the greatest big people of alllllllllllllllll time really got upset when his best friends told children to go away and do not bother him. You see, the little people just knew that he would think they were v-e-r-y important and wanted to be with him. Children sometimes have a stronger spirit part of them than adults. They could tell that he was gentle, strong and safe. Their parents valued their children’s wishes and also knew it was good for the children to be with him. So the parents took the children to see him.