Our Super Heros: Protectors

Categorised in: Wee's World
Do you ever get scared? Of course you do! Everyone is afraid sometimes. Once you are hurt, you don’t want that to happen again! If it is a big person who hurt you, you might be able to stay away from them. Sometimes those people are still in your life and so you try to protect yourself from being hurt again.
Escaping into your imagination is one way you might try to hide yourself from being hurt. But it doesn’t keep your body from harm. So what do you do when a big bad person is coming towards you? At times you might have a part of you that seems to jump out to help you feel big and strong. We call this a Protector. That part is trying to keep you from being hurt again.
Your protector or protectors are like superheroes. Protectors can use anger or loud words to try to scare away the big person. Protectors can jump out because they might think someone is unsafe, but it may just be the school nurse or the pastor or someone who really is safe. If a protector comes out mad or wanting to hit people, you could get in trouble. Sometimes it helps and sometimes it does not.
At times understanding your Protectors is really helpful for all of you. Ask them to tell you how they keep you safe. Ask them what they think is safe and unsafe. Ask them why they do what they do and who taught them to do it. It will help every part of you to better work together. Sometimes Protectors do things that hurt you. They think it will keep you quiet or safe. They don’t understand how badly it hurts unless you explain that to them. They probably don’t know that there is a better way for all of you to be safe. Lots of times the parts inside of you are frightened by your Protectors.
The true Lord Jesus is the only one who can really keep you safe. He is bigger and stronger than any part of you will ever be. He wants you to ask for His help and trust Him to protect you. He says He can be a “shield” around you. Psalm 28:7 “The Lord is my strength and my shield: my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped.”
Lord Jesus can help your Protectors learn to not hurt or scare you or frighten others at the wrong time. He can show you when it is smart to yell loudly for help and be brave. He can also bring safe, loving big people into your life to lend a hand. Ask Him to show you some safe, trustworthy adults that could be your friends. Make friends with all your parts inside too, it will keep you much safer that way.
When Jesus was on the earth He said: “Don’t push these children away.” “And then He took the children in His arms and blessed them.” [Mark 10:14, 16 MSG, NIV] He longs to comfort, love and protect even your protectors and bless all of you if you will let Him. He loves all little children, especially you!