The Function of Reporters and Saboteurs

Categorised in: Professional Resources
Many people with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) become extremely frustrated due to interesting situations in which they find themselves compromised Sometimes in some way, in some situation, they realize they jeopardized themselves and caused themselves to fail or miss something critical to them. At other times, they are shocked to discover that someone knows something they never intended others to know. Welcome to the function of the reporters and saboteurs. These two types of alters are not always present but we should be alert for the symptoms. It behooves the therapist or prayer counselor to search for them when symptoms appear, because these alters do not usually want to be identified.
Reporters can be friendly or robotic but are usually very limited to reporting only. They may have names such as “Scribe”. They seem to be created by the Original Person [OP] in times when it is absolutely crucial to remember what is happening, or when the persons are suggested by a programmer to function as “snitch” for their nefarious purposes.
Some individuals have been threatened to refrain from certain activities in life. In the event they do engage in them, it is the reporter’s job to inform the powers-that-be about the activity. They simply “come out” unbeknown to the OP, and tell what the person has been doing. This may be in person, by phone or other means. When consequences occur, it is a shock to the OP because they thought no one knew. The consequences may occur internally or externally. This of course only reinforces the threat that “they” will always know what they are doing, and there is no escape. It is common for these alters or even specialized reporter alters to report everything the therapist or prayer counselor and the OP are doing in therapy. Those being reported to can then hope to undo what good work has been accomplished. They also purpose to learn how to better prevent access to the client’s system designs in the future, as well as to learn the methods being used by the therapists and prayer counselors for healing.
There have been times when it was obvious that a person was sent on assignment for the purpose of learning our methods. I realize that everyone doing this work may not be led by the Holy Spirit, the perfectly Wonderful Counselor. In that case, it may not be so obvious. At times, the Holy Spirit has just told me this person is a spy. When I asked what to do, He has given me different instructions. To show respect, gentleness and kindness to the person is always part of the instruction. I have come to recognize that for me, sometimes I know they are not really there for help but to harm because regardless of how much I try, I just cannot find compassion in my heart for that person. Often times, I have been inspired to explain that I do not use a method but simply rely upon what the Holy Spirit shows me in visions or dreams. I explain how He gives me words of knowledge, or Scripture references, as well as Biblical principles to help my clients. The Holy Spirit knows every minute detail of every person’s life and can communicate that information as needed by the counselor via a rhema word. He alone knows the capacity of the client and priority of discovery for the safest most rapid healing. Upon being pumped about how the work is done, it is almost fun to report to a “spy”. Most of the time, I really do not know what I am doing and have no real plan but only obey the Wonderful Counselor. That is true! That very comment has sent some scurrying out the door in great exasperation!
I have found a high percentage of clients who outsmarted their programmers by setting up their own programs to help themselves. The reporters are often in this design. They are able to offer exacting details, i.e., exact times of day or distances from one point to another. They know the names of people and places and are able to report an event. This information is amazingly comforting to clients when they receive this information and are able to confirm it as well. They often assist with “filling in the blanks” during a memory retrieval involving more than one alter. They often make their first appearance suddenly in session when things are very difficult. These alters can be great assets. It would be important not to confuse a reporter with an Internal Self Helper, better known as an ISH.
This alter type records and reports data. They are not as in tune with the current emotional climate or needs of the client The counselor can depend upon them to assist in many situations. The counselor can ask, “Is there anyone inside who can help us with information now?” This type of alter often responds.
Be sure to keep connecting the person with the truth that they do know what happened to them, as evidenced by the fact that a part of THEM, not someone else (a demon or whatever), but THEY just recovered detailed information about their own life. They had it all the time! This is ALL you! Help the client to express gratitude to themselves for mustering the courage to bring the issue into the light for healing. Review the dynamics of the memory retrieval by reminding them of how easy it was compared to the fear of what it could have been. This tool broadens their capacity to continue to visit traumatic events and to hear from more alters as necessary.
If the reporter is working only against the person, then they should be categorized as a saboteur. Sometimes they just function regardless of the external recipient of information. They can be helpful or harmful. It is important for the OP to become familiar with them and to dialogue with them. Other tools for this healing are to be found in previous resource information. (See resource professional section article: Discovering Facets of DID.
A saboteur alter is one designed to keep the OP from attaining their created destiny. They may have been created due to the OP’s belief system resultant of an abusive environment, strategic clinical programming, or demonization or any combination of the previous. They do this by manipulating everyday life activities to fulfill the purposes of those who have decided the person is theirs to control. The programs of thinking are varied depending upon the role of the client. Some people with saboteur alters are highly functioning professionals in business, education, medicine, science, government, arts or law Others are drug mules, or prostitutes in mafia like organizations. But, the basic thinking programs are similar.
Successful is the word being used to mean that the person has not been compromised or completely blocked from doing what they would choose to do. Some of the more common ones are:
- • If you are successful , something really bad will happen to you, a relative, a pet, a loved one, or the therapist.
This is perhaps the most powerful threat.
- If you are successful, then you will have to do even more, even faster, even harder.
- If you are successful, no one will like you.
- If you are successful no one will be your friend.
- If you are successful, you will die.
- If you are successful, you will not be taken care of by the programmers.
- If you are successful, you will not be protected by the programmers.
- You will never be successful because you rebelled against what we wanted you to do and we will stop you.
- You will never be successful because we will always know what you are doing and we will stop you.
- A self program may sound like this: “I will never be successful because it would please them too much.”
- Some clients figure this out. In order to overcome this sabotaging of themselves, they erroneously decide against ever planning or scheduling anything. This way they cannot be stopped by anyone or anything. Of course this is a grave mistake since life as complex as ours today just cannot be lived only in spontaneity. This results in lack of success and therefore fulfills the programmers’ plans as well.
No doubt, in your practice there will be many more variations on the theme Saboteurs can cause confusion so that the OP cannot perform a task like give a report, stay on task to complete it, gets lost while navigating somewhere, or remember the topic they were discussing. Some are specialized at interrupting the thoughts by distraction to another task. For instance, the mother may be on her way to fetch her child at school at a certain time On her way out the door, the saboteur reminds her of the shirt her husband needs ironed for the trip tomorrow She changes direction from the garage to the ironing board. While ironing the shirt, other items are also attended. An hour or so later, she remembers the little child waiting at school. This dynamic may function to give the person a reputation of never being on time, even to the point of entirely missing events. Keeping a job is a real challenge.
Others will interrupt by spinning pain through a portion of the person or the entire system/s. The pain debilitates the person from completing a planned task. Upon medical examination, no reason for the pain can be found.
Some are specialists at verbal abuse. They barrage the client with comments about their incompetence prior to doing the planned event. The client becomes so demoralized, they do not try or are so nervous at the time, they do not perform as well as they easily could have done.
Other saboteurs actually physically abuse themselves. They are convinced that the body is not theirs but the person who is being or trying to be successful. They may keep the person [themselves] up all night before an important examination, go into weather which will result in certain allergies or illness, frequent venues known for potential danger, or cut, burn, strangle, etc. themselves. This will be your job as therapist or prayer counselor to help them realize they are the same person, in the same body. Learn if they want to be hurt, and use this desire to be safe as a way to alter function. If they do, then that is another issue of course.
As mentioned in The Amazing Protector Maze article [professional section of resources], some saboteurs see themselves as protectors. Depending upon the belief system, they will be preventing the OP from being successful in different situations for different reasons. For instance, in religious cults, the idea of being in a place where the Creator Jesus Christ, Father God and Holy Spirit are revered and worshipped is very dangerous. Thousands of people have been programmed to infiltrate the Christian Church (by this is meant the global faith, not a denominational name). Some clients have “Christian alters“. That is, Christian alters go to church, are in poignant positions so as to divide and destroy it over time, but seem to be just regular church attendees to the observer. These specialized saboteur alters keep the client “protected” by making them late to church so as to miss the powerful praise and worship. Alters can be converted you know. I might also mention, that missing hearing the WORD and worship is less painful to their demons. In fact, it is common for such people to be unable to stay in an anointed Christian Service. They will find some excuse to leave. They will tell you as their counselor, the screaming in their head and spirit was driving them insane. They had to get away.
Satan already has the world. It makes perfect sense that he would focus upon his enemy, the Church. He has a major problem in this target area. However, God is, was, and always will be worlds more powerful than him. I like to tell clients that one day when God had nothing better to do, out of His creative imagination He popped Satan into existence. Satan was a heavenly creature who was splendidly beautiful, brilliant in light, musical, held perhaps one of the highest positions in all heaven and was greatly cherished by His Creator.
On another day, God decided that He wanted someone in His image. So He created Adam and Eve. Satan was insanely jealous of the position these humans had in God’s heart. Satan evidently did not have a genuine love for himself as himself, but wanted to be something else…God!! So he chose to rebel against his Creator and influenced one third of the heavenly angels and Adam and Eve to rebel against God. Then, God somewhat defrocked Satan. He is no longer a glory of God as he was when originally created. God is using him to give human beings a contrast of evil versus holiness. There is no remotely possible comparison. When God decides time is up, Satan and his followers, angels and humans who have rejected Jesus Christ, will be direly and eternally punished. God’s sting operation, better known as the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, still gives hope today of escape from Satanic human enslavement and its vicious destruction. The term Satanic as is used here is understood to be the evil power behind any person, organization or entity.
Creating even one “Christian alter” is a risk for programmers because it almost always ends in complete salvation at least, if not total freedom and healing for the OP. You see, even a fake Christian will read the Bible, be baptized, hear the word of testimony, hear prophesy, pray and be prayed for, take holy communion, and participate in other holy sacraments according to their particular persuasion or church orientation or affiliation. There is also the possibility that a kind of incredible unconditional love will be experienced among the “True, not apostate Church” which is life changing. The power and glory of God Almighty far outweighs anything or anyone else. God cherishes and wants all human beings to share His Glory and to live eternally with Him. The Father’s love is everlasting as read in Psalms 107, 136, 145, and many more.
A client was greatly distressed over the fact that a multitude of different religiously orientated alters had been discovered—even Satanists. A desperation over knowing if in fact she were really Christian was plaguing her. I did not have an answer. Later, while alone with the Holy Spirit, I anguished in intercession over this client’s quandary. In that Still Small Voice, I understood that even if the tiniest part of a person were a true Christian, it is a majority, due to the enormity of the Holy Spirit who indwells them. As therapists and prayer counselors, we can confidently and boldly encourage our clients with the following truth: Of one thing I am certain, the One who started the good work in you will bring it to completion by the Day of Christ Jesus [Philippians 1:6, New English Bible].
Saboteurs can be helpful or harmful. It is important for the OP to become familiar with them and to dialogue with them. Other tools for this healing are to be found in previous resource information. See resource professional section article,Discovering Facets of DID. A great help for protector saboteurs is Dressed To Kill, by Rick Renner. It is a scholarly treatise of the Biblical approach to spiritual warfare and the greatest protection, the armor of God as delineated in Ephesians 6:10-18.
Reporters and saboteurs can be singular or multifaceted in their functions. As mentioned before, they can be helpful or harmful. It is important for the OP to become familiar with them, understand their motivations and to engage them with their current belief systems.