World Events Shake DID People

Categorised in: Professional Resources
Some of the dissociative persons with whom you associate may be unusually shaken these days. Many of the tens of thousands of people world-wide who have Dissociative Identity Disorder [DID] are programmed for specific tasks or roles to bring in the New World Order and/or to maintain it. Current world events seem to be speeding towards this Biblically foretold time.
As certain benchmarks are met, these programmed people are experiencing awareness of newly triggered alters, increased “unexplained and unremembered activities” and a general sense of an “impending something”. This shaking in them is a challenging time for support people, care providers, co-workers, counselors and certainly families. Although it is a difficult time, on the up side, it is a ripe time for healing! Many of these alters have been hidden from and amnesic to many other alters up until now. Effective interventions will bring the final healing needed for integration.
As certain benchmarks are met, these programmed people are experiencing awareness of newly triggered alters, increased “unexplained and unremembered activities” and a general sense of an “impending something”.
The mainline news is full of the upcoming USA presidential election, natural disasters, looming financial collapse, persecution of Christians, and outbreaks of violence around the globe. Non- main stream news informs us of Planet X /Nibiru (? Revelation 6: 12-17), exposure of the Nephilim among us (Matt.24:37-44 & Gen.6:4), preparations for internment of thousands of people, how to survive without electricity, the rise of the Anti-Christ and the expose’ of the “Global Elite’s evilly debased entertainment with child victims.
A lot of this can be found on You-tube if you are interested, but be wise, all programs do not present the truth. (Suggested viewing would include Tom Horn, Chris Putnam, L.A. Marzulli, Dr.Nick Albertini, and Steve Quale for factual evidence.)
A.C.A.C.I.A. Germany has asked for prayer for their protection and for their country. Marauding groups of immigrants are terrorizing their country as they rape, kill, and intimidate the population. A colleague shared with me that the usual types of clients coming for counseling are now mostly ordinary people who are shaken and destabilized by the uncertainty of the times in which we live. This uncertainty is heightened for dissociative persons. Due to trauma from so many people and resultant lack of trust in others, they are without the social support most of us have and can rely upon in times of trouble.
This uncertainty is heightened for dissociative persons. Due to trauma from so many people and resultant lack of trust in others, they are without the social support most of us have and can rely upon in times of trouble.
I am on a coalition against human slavery in our region. The buying and selling of human beings is now the second largest producer of money in the world. Illegal drugs sales are number one. You many discover that some of these new alters could be involved in the business of drug or human trafficking. They will need your trust and support to have the strength to leave these organizations. For many alters, this is all they have ever known most of their existence. These hidden ones have been one reason integration could not be completed yet. Their presence and agendas [programming (a belief system)] were blocking the freedom the dissociative person was seeking. The triggers required to activate these alters are now coming forth. I plan to address human trafficking in the near future.***
The Book of Revelation talks about pharmakeia as a major indicator of the end times. This is the Greek word for pharmacy; some translations use the word sorcery in the English but this word is different from the word sorcery in other parts of the Bible. This pharmakeia is found in Revelation 9:21, 18:23,21:8 and 22:15. You could discover that a certain one or more of the alters are addicted to alcohol, nicotine, or other drugs while other alters or parts abhor those indulgences. Chemical rehabilitation may be in order for some persons before effective counseling can be accomplished.
The groups which hope to rule the New World Order have made alluring promises of powerful and lucrative positions to many victims of mind control. Those promises sound very exciting, are treasured and not easily rejected by clients. In truth, the promises may be fulfilled. But, as the saying goes, I read the last chapter and know how the Book ends. It is imperative that we who are trying to help these precious people, be sure to tell them the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Their treasured promises will last only a few short years and then…The promises of our Creator, Jesus Christ, last for an eternity of glory.
Chemical rehabilitation may be in order for some persons before effective counseling can be accomplished.
I am not a theologian, but the great scholars of the Bible have clearly identified the specific prophesies which must be fulfilled before the return of Christ and teach that all have been fulfilled at this time. When He returns, first, He will resurrect and give new bodies to those who have believed in Him and have died and gather those true believers who are still alive, along with those who were dead [Matthew 24:29-31, 37-44] and take them with Him away from this dimension of Earth. Then, when Israel finally stands alone in the world and has no more hope, she will call “Baruch Haba” (blessed is He who comes) recognizing Jesus Christ as the Messiah and then Jesus Christ will return to rescue the Jewish People and His land of Israel. Then His rule on earth will begin.
That was a zip trip into my understanding of the end times in which we seem to be living. I realize and respect that there are other theological versions which would differ. You may not believe or like the truth of the Bible or think there is a good God who only wants the best for His adopted children (Christians). I certainly do not fully understand or even like all of it, especially the part which says that we Christians will be persecuted, but I do know …without a doubt, that it is only my ignorance which produces the dislike because Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) promises all of us, “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Help the survivor to embrace the shaking and to pray for strength of will to choose the will of God. We need to be totally combined with His Presence in order to share His wisdom, power, discernment of evil and to receive His peace, hope, joy, strength and everlasting lovingkindness. When we are mixed thoroughly with Christ Jesus, we have the peace which passes understanding …. even in the threat of death. Teach them new coping skills which enlarge their knowledge of the power of the Christian. For that disturbing sense of “something is about to happen”, that something could be activation of programs. Remind them that The Creator of all that is, was or ever will be, knows their name, every detail of their life and what evil instructions have been placed in their subconscious and it and therefore doing it, or not. A program is a way of thinking. More on programming coming soon.
The best time to recover memories which have been hidden, is when something triggers them to a conscious level of awareness. Your DID person may report brief flashbacks, dreams, or full blown awareness of something which seems foreign to them. Tell them that this is prime time to have that intimate chat with their inner selves. Journal!!! Get acquainted and learn their function, intent and their “friend’s or associate’s” identities [theses may be inside or outside]. What they do not know will potentially hurt them. They have a right to make the decisions for their lives, not to be operated like a robot by a program designed for another’s goals.
Remind them that the Creator of all that is, was, or ever will be, knows their name, every detail of their life, and what evil instructions have been placed in their subconscious and unconscious mind.
I will be presenting some helpful tools for easier connecting with Jesus of Nazareth in future video clips. We are working on getting new resources dealing with fear in our store.
In conclusion, we are in the best position when we keep our eyes on Jesus Christ and not the circumstances (Luke 21:34-38). Even if and when we are brought to court or put into prison or persecuted, we can depend upon the promise in Luke 21:12-19. Remember, God is not the god of the dead but The God of the Living Luke20:27-38. I pray this message has brought understanding and helpful information for use when helping victims of severe trauma.
Sandra S. Skinner-Young
***Resource: National Human Resource Center: Hotline 1-888-373-7888