Warning to the Wise

Categorised in: Words from Sandra
I’ve spent a lot of time pondering whether or not to send this little ditty on to you. After one has worked with hundreds of people who have been programmed, a certain amount of knowledge is amassed. One such piece of that information is that many children were programmed by using the story of Alice in Wonderland. It is certainly an entertaining tale and I am not in any way defaming the book. Anything can be used for good or evil. I have been amazed at the plethora of variations on the theme of this book which are emerging now. There was a special on television, and now this month a movie is being released. No doubt these will prove to be entertaining as well. I simply wonder if there are a lot of people out there with explicit instructions for carrying out evil plans once they are activated by a certain trigger or cue which is part of the story.
An example of such programming could be demonstrated by the increasing numbers of suicides by youth occurring around the world. Please do not take my word for it. Look on the Web for articles of mass suicides and cluster suicides. Not long ago the world was shocked at a large number of youth suicides in Japan. The police were not able to find connections among many, but the victims all took their life on the same day in the same way. At the same time, similar reports were made in the United States. Some research hypotheses include the intimacy of relationships on the Internet and forming suicidal societies. That could be true, but also, those drawn to them may have a predisposition due to programming.
Last month we stressed the importance of loving ourselves. This month we are focusing our articles upon the protector aspects of systems within broken or dissociative people. Protecting ourselves is one aspect of loving ourselves. We are commanded to flee evil in II Timothy 22, “Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” [New International Version of the Holy Bible]. II Samuel 15:14 and Jeremiah 6:1 also address the people avoiding the impending or possible dangers.
I would encourage you to ask inside to see if anyone thinks attending these current “Alice Productions “ could be a danger for you. If only one of you thinks so, honor yourself and play it safe. Then, in your therapy, get to the programming and get it out! After that is done, go enjoy them all you want without fear or harm.
A special blessing upon your personal spirit today in the name of Yeshua….. Jesus Christ.