Catch the Vision

Categorised in: Words from Sandra
I have a desire in my heart to share with you A.C.A.C.I.A.’s present position in its destiny. I just viewed Voice of the Prophets 2009 DVD by Graham Cook, one of my favorite and most entertaining teachers. He taught on the difference between our heavenly persona or how we are known in heaven, and our personality, or how we are known on earth. He explained that once we understand our heavenly persona, our faith to go forward in our destiny, assurance of victory in warfare, and joy in living life is established. I want that in its fullest form, don’t you? Achieving this is a process.
My personal process has been very active this year owing to the lag in productivity of this Web site. I believe that I now have the confidence in my Lord Jesus Christ to trust Him to fully provide, support, and maintain this ministry. The mandate for this ministry is to normalize dissociation. That means as a result of the ministry, ordinary people will be familiar with the condition, and the shrouds of mystery will be removed along with most of the disinterest or fear. The original vision given for this ministry is a non-denominational international ministry offering seven branches of specialization for: Prayer counseling; consulting; mentoring; the Golden Eagles (intercessory prayer); the Obadiah Entourage (mature laity support); Networking with our Jewish roots; and theInstitute of Wholiness, which is the broader, educational branch of the ministry.
After twelve rich years ministering with Elijah House, Inc., the Lord fulfilled a prophesy given to me in 1990. At that time, I had only been with Elijah House for six months, and I was mostly familiar with the evangelical world knowing little about our personal spirit, the spiritual world, or even spiritual warfare. I hardly knew what the gentleman meant when he said that he had a word for me from the Lord. He seemed nice enough, so I gave him permission to give the word. I thought he had lost his marbles when he most sincerely said:
“Your time with Elijah House is a spiritual training ground for you and when the time is full, God will call you out to establish your own ministry. It is something which you cannot imagine because you do not have acquaintance with it yet. God will provide all including the heart and passion for your ministry.”
The idea of having my own ministry never entered my head! “He must be a flake!” I thought!. I apologize to that dear man wherever he is and wish to thank him for his obedience and blessing. Twelve is the number of governmental authority. I think it is appropriate that after twelve years of training, God indeed led me out to start a new ministry for Him.
Many prophetic voices gave me encouragement to trust God because the ministry was beyond my greatest imagination or singular ability. A generalization list follows:
- The ministry is equipping an army of people to be released to do this work.
- God has given an enormous ability to mentor others.
- There will be entourages of people dong this work around the world in teams.
- An esteemed African prophet said that I have to lead worship before the ministry events. Surprise! He said the ministry vision had daunted me but I must now walk forward in faith that God will provide all that is needed for the assignment.
- This is a pioneering work so do not look behind to see if anyone is following.
- The full concept is not even on my radar.
- God will require all my experience and gifting for fulfillment of the mission.
- I am to use all my gifting, including musical ability for prophetic worship to activate healings.
- I am a leader of at least 10,000.
- This ministry is very special to the heart of God and there will be great rewards in heaven for those who do it.
- Many words were given of the achieved intimacy with God and his care and love for me and this ministry.
This month’s topic featured safety. We need to be safe to heal. The A.C.A.C.I.A.history story about the cloud in my room forming the word acacia occurred at the end of a highly successful trial run for extended stay “in house” ministry. In the history story , I had shared about putting months of hard work, prayer and finances into a prototype or original sample of the new idea for the ministry. I had been doing prayer counseling ministry with many people who were very broken people for several years. They would come to my office and the Holy Spirit really did a terrific job of showing them the root problems and healed them. But then, they had to go back home. Home was not always a safe place.
Healing requires a safe environment for change. [We will be addressing change in the next series of articles.] It seemed so necessary for them to have an extended time and safe place for extensive healing to be received and practicedt. So the idea was to provide that environment for healing in a safe place. For three months it was actually a success since the clients were helped, and I realized that the idea worked but the situation abruptly came to an end.
After starting A.C.A.C.I.A. I had rented a house where counseling, consulting, small group education and mentoring could be done. It also provided lodging which felt very peaceful and safe to the clients. This was especially true for international clients since our country seems so b-i-g to them and functions at such a rapid pace. There was a grocery across the street and a bus one block away to transport them to the mall, Healing Rooms or library. We could provide the service for much less expense than the most economical lodging facility. Even so, sadly, this provision was only for the duration of the prayer counseling intensive weeks. We could not offer a safe place to stay for awhile after the healing to experience change, and to practice and actually live out with others, the newly learned behaviors. The property sold and I had to find another office. There have been a number of offices since then.
The ministry has been very busy with private prayer counseling, consulting, mentoring, and educational offerings such as seminars, conferences, practicums and concerts. A great amount of that time has been spent internationally. We were also able to do several mission trips to Africa. The pace of ministry easily dimmed the full vision until a client would express the need and then my heart would ache because we still did not have what is really needed. My daughter Bethany was able to actively participate in the ministry for two years and developed the infrastructure for the organization until she was sorely needed and called back to her previous profession.
I believe that God also has ways yet unrevealed whereby real healing can be achieved much faster than the current modalities.
Except for Bethany’s time with the ministry, A.C.A.C.I.A. has not had people interested and invested in it to be actively working the mission. I need to insert here that there are highly qualified and very interested people who are not yet free to participate due to their client status. I believe that several are called to be highly anointed prayer counselors and powerful intercessor leaders. The status quo system of the world currently prohibits such dual relationships. God is calling His people to create new systems to employ the scientific findings which indicate the changes in the current system required to meet the needs for rapid healing to occur. I believe that God also has ways yet unrevealed whereby real healing can be achieved much faster than the current modalities.
My frustration and cry to God has been,” How does this vision happen without people? Father God in Jesus’ Name, I am asking for the 10,000.!” Then I started declaring it was so. The fine writings of Dr. Mike Murdock helped me to identify my assignment. His teaching on leadership, “Jesus style” and partnering seminars with Dr. Dean Radke honed my skills for Godly leading without burn out.
Even before Bethany left, God had led me to ask Beth Shewchuk to accompany me to travel for prayer counseling. I was very impressed with her as she interned with me in the International Association of Prayer Counselor’s program. I greatly respect her prayerful devotion to God and passion for healing the shattered people of the world. We are now sharing an office and her mentoring process is almost completed. She contributed to some of this month’s articles.
I was privileged to have Sally Bohart with me on the mission trips to Africa. I had been to Egypt on a tour but it was my first time elsewhere in Africa and I did not want to “babysit” someone else. Sally is a survival expert and has traveled the globe with different ministries. She is a certified Restoring the Foundations Counselor and avid intercessor with a gigantic heart of a servant. Her ministry well prepares the way for the deeper prayer counseling for which A.C.A.C.I.A. is known.
Kristina Wayne asked me to mentor her before I really knew exactly what that entailed. So we agreed that I should figure it out and when the time was right, she would like to do that. We touched bases from time to time but just last fall, it seemed to be the right time, and I had already mentored others in the meantime. Kristina is also highly talented in videography and writing. She traveled to Germany with me to film the Advanced Conference on DID in 2008.
Fatima Ebrahim left the east coast to fulfill her passion for healing others. I forget how many Master’s Degrees she holds. She is convinced that this ministry is where God wants her to provide her administrative skills, minister as an exceptionally anointed seer, and delight many with her winsome smile and humor. She too has a servant’s heart and a great desire to help children, especially in Africa.
Jane Beaver has brought rich experience as an intercessor and a spiritual Mother’s love to our gatherings in the past and continues as a faithful intercessor.
As these people all seemed to come together at the same time, we formed our A-Team. As we got to know each other, the whole vision began to percolate in our spirits. The excitement is growing as we contemplate actually acquiring the site for the “Wholiness Institute”. This site will provide on-site staff living quarters. There will also be lodging for clients to stay one to three months at a time. Individuals, couples or entire nuclear families will experience a safe environment of trained support people who understand dissociation, while living in Christian Community. They would be offered intensive prayer counseling, group counseling and activities, classes for learning new coping skills to replace the dissociation, Biblical teaching, spiritual warfare classes, praise and worship, healthy meals, work and exercise while practicing new disciplines for living.
There will also be lodging for clients to stay one to three months at a time. Individuals, couples or entire nuclear families will experience a safe environment of trained support people who understand dissociation, while living in Christian Community.
These offerings are to help previously shattered and often dysfunctional people to discover their true identity and purpose. They can learn how to build trust and to be socially appropriate and interactive. The old fears can be replaced with confidence in their authority in Jesus Christ and His everlasting love for them.
There would also be ongoing prayer counseling mentoring, consulting, and training for intercessors and support people. Lodging for them would also be available. DID Seminars for educating victims of severe trauma, their families and friends, support people, pastors , medical personnel and other professionals would be offered on site.
Teams of trained people would form entourages and travel to different locations. Once there, they would simultaneously minister to dissociative persons and train the local people. There would also need to be follow-up visits.
As you see, the vision is enormous! It came from a great God. It is His. He will be faithful to perform it in His perfect timing. Kristina encouraged me to share all this with you because she thinks it will be exciting to many of you also. We encourage you to pray that God our Creator will quickly show us the perfect site for the “Wholiness Institute Mother House” and the provision to obtain it.
I would be interested to know your comments. I hope this news is a blessing to many. Thank you for reading to the end.