Prayer to Remove Srongholds of the Mind

Categorised in: Prayers
Dearest Holy Spirit, thank you for showing me how [describe the way of thinking]_____________ has interfered with my freedom of thinking and kept me from knowing You better. I confess that I have acted upon this pattern of thinking. I have suffered its destructive influence upon my life. These thinking patterns and the resultant behavior have also damaged relationships with those I love and others.
Please help me to identify the bitter roots and vows which made me vulnerable and captured me into this stronghold. I choose to forgive those who modeled [stronghold]_____________for me. I ask forgiveness for all the hurt I have caused You, Holy Lord, others and myself by thinking in this way and acting upon the wrongful thoughts.
I renounce this thought pattern of [stronghold]_________________in the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. I renounce the behaviors resulting from thinking [stronghold] __________________________in the power of the blood of Jesus. I consider them dead on Your Holy Cross.
In the name of Jesus, I bind and silence this stronghold of [stronghold]____________________ over [Prayer’s name]_______________. In the name of Jesus, I bind and cast away the principality energizing this stronghold. I command it to surrender its hold over [Prayer’s name]__________________.
Lord Jesus, please wash me clean from the defilement of this stronghold and keep me hidden so that I can no longer be seduced by it. Holy Spirit, restore my mind so that I can think my own thoughts without interference. Open my mind to Your Word concerning this area of thinking.
I repent now by declaring that All Mighty Creator, Jesus Christ is my rightful ruler and Lord and I purpose to learn Godly thoughts and pattern my behavior after them. Thank you, God, for answering my prayer.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.