A.C.A.C.I.A. Germany
Dagmar Rauch
Postfach 17
90579 Langenzenn
Tel: (+49/0) 9102/ 996321
Fax:(+49/0) 9102/ 9398333
E-mail: acaciagermany@gmx.de

2005 wurden Dagmar und ihr Mann Martin, mit dem sie seit 27 Jahren verheiratet ist, Mitorganisatoren für A.C.A.C.I.A. in Deutschland. Sie beteiligen sich an Seminaren und am Gebetsdienst im deutschen Sprachraum. Dagmar halt Vorträge für Team F, leitet Bibelstudien, ist derzeit für vier Personen Mentorin im Gebetsdienst und wirkt als Beraterin im Seelsorgedienst in ihrer Gemeinde.

Dagmars ausgeprägtes geistliches Einfühlungsvermögen hat sie zur Teilnahme an den Elijah House Seelsorgeschulen geführt. Sie fühlt sich von Gott gerufen, mit dissoziativen Menschen zu arbeiten, und hat daher eine zweijährige Mentorbeziehung zu Sandra Skinner-Young hinter sich.

In 2005, Dagmar and her husband Martin of 27 years, became co-administrators of ministry for A.C.A.C.I.A. in Germany. They participate in seminars and prayer ministry in German speaking countries. She has been a speaker for Team-F, leads Bible Studies, and is currently in process of mentoring four people in prayer ministry and functions as consultant for counseling in her church.

Dagmar’s succinct spiritual awareness inclined her to attend Elijah House Counseling Schools. She believes that God has called her to minister to dissociative people and therefore, completed a two year mentorship with Sandra Skinner-Young.

Elijah House
421 E Coeur d’Alene Ave Ste 4
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814-2862

Elijah House prayer ministry was founded through the pioneering work of John and Paula Sandford in transforming lives through prayer. It is primarily pastoral in nature, based on scriptural principles and led by the Holy Spirit. A key principle of prayer ministry at Elijah House will always include looking for the root causes that lie beneath the surface of most problems. Bitter roots, as we call them, are root issues that continue to feed those things in us that lead to broken relationships, habitual sin, and many other kinds of “bad fruit.” Once roots are discovered, the prayer minister leads the person in prayer to the foot of the Cross, to forgive those who wounded him/her, as well as to receive forgiveness for judging, condemning, criticizing, etc.

Each year, many individuals and families come from around the world to be ministered to and to receive healing through prayer ministry.

Liberty Cross Ministries
Charlie Finck
POB 809
Liberty Lake, WA 99019

Our mission is to bring healing and restoration to the hearts and minds of God’s children.

As we are called to continue counseling and teaching, we hope to grow, to become “a multitude of counselors,” each called by God to minister in our own gifts and abilities.

The heart’s work of this ministry will be to love and build up each individual within our own organization, offering the structure, support and freedom necessary to be who God calls us to be. Along with prayer counseling and teaching, we also envision working to strengthen, mentor and support other counseling ministries, helping to create networks of care throughout the Christian counseling community.

Gateway to Freedom
Debbie J. Van Beek
7985 Lavendar Lane
Ferndale, WA

To bind up the broken hearted and set at liberty the captive (Isa 61:1) through prayer and Elijah House principles based in the Word of God and directed by the Holy Spirit.

I minister in the following areas: Marriage, Women, Men, Deliverance, Prayer Ministry, including sexual and physical abuse, drug and alcohol addiction.  I do not offer ministry in the area of DID/SRA or ministry to children unless their parents have counseled with me first.

Healing Rooms
112 E. First Ave.
Spokane, WA 99202
Our ministry team is here to serve the community and the Body of Christ while contending for all that Christ promised the church would move in, “the works that I do shall you do also and greater works than these.” (John 14:12)

We minister: A Salvation Message, The Healing Word, The Anointing that Empowers the Word, Prayer and Deliverance of the Sick, An Impartation for Healing to the Local Church
We are excited about what God is doing in the church in this hour around the world. We feel that there is no price too great to pay to be part of it; our cry is – More Lord!

“And these signs will follow those that believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; … they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” Mark 16:17,18

Heart Transformation Ministries
Vicki Freligh, Prayer Minister & Gerri Wilson, Prayer Artist
POB 247
Kellogg, ID 83837
E-mail: vcki007@usamedia.tv

“We minister the love of Jesus using Elijah House principles. Our team efforts may incorporate listening prayer, inner-healing, deliverance and Theophostic tools. Our sessions always include prophetic art and creative homework assignments. We experience God imprinting the truth of who we are through the personal drawings He gives during the sessions.”

We minister to the following: Marriage, Family, Women, Men, Children, Deliverance and Prayer Ministry, including DID, DID/SRA, sexual & physical abuse. We will also minister to people desiring to overcome drug and alcohol addiction if clean for 90+ days. We do not offer ministry for Bi-Polar or Schizophrenia.

Kurath, Ed
Divinely Designed
2185 Andrew Drive
Superior, CO 80027
E-mail:  edkurath@divinelydesigned.com

To work towards the maximum number of lives being changed into the image of Jesus by being an instrument of the Lord through books, teaching and counseling.  I currently counsel in the manner I learned through my affiliation with Elijah House.

I minister in the following areas: Marriage, Family, Women, Men, Prayer Ministry including DID, Bi-Polar, Sexual and Physical Abuse, Drug and Alcohol Addiction.  I do not minister in the following areas: DID/SRA, Schizophrenia, Ministry to Children, Psychotic Disorders, Alcoholics and other substance abusers who are currently using their substance.

Institute for World Evangelism (ICPE) Mission
Dagmar Ludwig
ICPE Allerheiligen
D-77728 Oppenau
(+49) 7804 9796 0  ext. 35
E-mail: seelsorge@icpe.de

Dagmar Ludwig is offering prayer counseling in the format used by Elijah House (intensive weeks and ongoing counseling for local clients) in the context of an International Catholic Missionary Community based in the Black Forest in the South West of Germany

I offer prayer ministry to individual men and women but am unable to offer services to individuals who are DID/SRA, Schizophrenic. or suffer from drug and alcohol addiction. I will consider on a case by case basis individuals who are DID, have Bi-polar disorder or are victims of sexual and/or physical abuse. I am unable to offer ministry to children. Prayer ministry can be offered in German, English and Spanish. Accommodations can be offered.

Mitchell, Kriss
Living Well Counseling & Consulting
761 N. Thornton St.
Post Falls, ID 83854
(Mailing Address)
2600 E. Seltice Way #123
Post Falls, ID 83854

The purpose of LWM is to provide Christian Ministry, teaching, prayer counseling and holistic health consultation. We seek to bring healing and equipping to the body of Christ with understanding and tools to minister healing to the whole man.

We offer a compassionate counseling approach of personal counseling services, prayer ministry, healing therapy, educational classes, nutritional guidance, and support for married couples, and individual men, women, and young adults age 19 and up. We help people discover who they are at the core of their beings, and how much God loves them unconditionally. We treat victims of physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, and people with personality, dissociative, and bi-polar disorders on a case-by-case basis. In certain instances, when we are unable to offer appropriate assistance, we refer clients out to other outstanding services to get the help they need.

Nestli Seminare Haus,
Ursula Roderus
Nestli e.V. Christliche Familien-und Seminararbeit
Kleinried 27
91572 Bechhofen
(+49) 09822-10960
E-mail: info@nestli-seminare.de

Ursula Roderus ist Ärztin und christliche Therapeutin (IACP).  In ihrer Beratungspraxis “Aufwind” bietet sie therapeutische Seelsorge und supervision an.  Sie arbeitet seit mehreren Jahren bei der Team.F-Seelsorgeschule im Bereich Lehre und Mentoring mit. Ihr Arbeitsschwerpunkt ist die christliche Therapie Traumatisierter Menschen..

Nestli – Seelsorge und Beratungsdienst.
Ausbildung:   je nach Berater(in): TEAM.F Seelsorgeschule, Ignis-Berater/Therapeut (IACP), Psychotherapie (HPG)
Schwerpunkte:  Einzel- und Paarberatung, Intensivseelsorge, Beratung bei Lebens- und Beziehungsproblemen, DISG, Kommunikation, Traumaberatung

Passport to Freedom
Linda Pender
11242 Slater Ave. NE
Kirkland, WA
E-mail:  passporttofreedom@webtv.net

With humor, compassion and prophetic anointing, Linda brings the healing restoring touch of Jesus and the Father’s Love as she ministers in the grace, power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit.  Father has called her to be like a spiritual surgeon in the Body of Christ as she sees Jesus binding up the broken hearted and setting the captives free.  Linda specializes in root causes of problems.

Linda provides ministry for men, women, families, children, teenagers, marriage counseling, spiritual, emotional, physical and sexual abuse issues.  Linda also offers ministry to individuals with DID and Bi-Polar disorders.

Restoration in Christ Ministries
Diane Hawkins
P.O. Box 479
Grottoes, VA 24441-0479

Restoration in Christ Ministries (RCM) offers training and support to those called to restore lives shattered by abuse. This is accomplished through our resources, seminars, consultations and support.

Shammah Ministries
Wayne Bentz
9507 N. Division Suite O
Spokane, WA 99208
E-mail: wb6477@yahoo.com

“I utilize Elijah House principles in counseling as well as those from other ministries to bring healing to broken and shattered lives.”

“I am available to provide ministry to married couples, families, men & women with prayer ministry and deliverance.  Deliverance often accompanies prayer ministry as sin issues are addressed.  Individuals who are DID, DID/SRA, or individuals who suffer from Bi-Polar Disorder, Schizophrenia and victims of sexual or physical abuse are welcomed for ministry.  I do not offer ministry for drug and alcohol addiction.  On a case by case basis, I will consider ministry with children.  I also offer ministry via telephone as it is appropriate.”

Still Waters Counseling
Marlene C. Brubaker, MA
9712 252 Pl SW
Edmonds, WA 98020
E-mail: billybru@verizon.net

“I recognize the need in counseling for healing spirit, soul, body and seek to stimulate spiritual growth providing inner healing, deliverance, encouragement and guidance through Biblically-based principles.  I minister the love of Jesus to unbelieving parts of the heart.”

“I will minister in the following areas:  Marriage, Family, Women, Men, Children, Deliverance and Prayer Ministry, including DID, DID/SRA, sexual and physical abuse.  I do not provide ministry in the following areas: Bi-Polar, Schizophrenia, drug and alcohol addiction.”